Ace Attorney Casing Tool Documentation

The documentation for AACS and the CodeEditor.

Project maintained by MaxDeBy Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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ButtonChoice (BC)


Displays up to four buttons on the bottom screen and waits until the player has clicked one.


Name Type Description Required Default Value
Choice 1 String The label of the first choice button. -
Choice 2 String The label of the first choice button. -
Choice 3 String The label of the first choice button. -
Choice 4 String The label of the first choice button. -
Frame ID 1 String The ID of the Frame for choice 1. -
Frame ID 2 String The ID of the Frame for choice 2. -
Frame ID 3 String The ID of the Frame for choice 3. -
Frame ID 4 String The ID of the Frame for choice 4. -


Example #1: Giving the player 4 choices, for suggesting a murder weapon.

1:  ...
2:  ButtonChoice:["Knife"|"Gun"|"Rope"|"Bat"|1|2|3|4];
3:  ...

Example #2: Giving the player the choice to accusse the witness or not.

1:  ...
2:  BC:["Accuse the witness"|"Don't accuse the witness"|-|-|10|20|-|-];
3:  ...


Each “Choice” parameter must be paired with a “Frame ID” parameter. If Frame ID 3 is left out, even though Choice 3 has a value, the third choice will be ignored.

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