Ace Attorney Casing Tool Documentation

The documentation for AACS and the CodeEditor.

Project maintained by MaxDeBy Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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Examining is the most complex part of an investigation sequence. An examining container features 4 different hybrid instructions: AllExamined, AlreadyExamined, PointDefault and Point.


This hybrid instruction contains one parameter which is a regular instruction. It will be executed once the player has examined all spots, defined by a Point instruction.


1:  AllExamined:{PlayFrame:[1]};


This hybrid instruction contains one parameter which is a regular instruction. It will be executed when the player clicks on the “Examine” button after all spots, defined by a Point instruction, have already been examined.


1:  AlreadyExamined:{PlayFrame:[2]};


This hybrid instruction contains one parameter which is a regular instruction. It will be executed when the player examines a spot on the upper screen that is not defined by a Point Instruction.


1:  PointDefault:{PlayFrame:[3]};


This is the main part of an examination. A point is a spot on the upper screen the player has to click on to invoke some action. The Point instruction is built using the following scheme:



Name Type Description
X Number The position on the x-axis.
Y Number The position on the y-axis.
OFFSET Number The amount of pixels the cursor is allowed to be off from the defined position.
FIRST DISCOVER Regular Instruction Gets executed the first time this point was discovered.
SECOND DISCOVER Regular Instruction Gets executed every subsequent time this point was clicked on.


1:  Point:{24|48|10|PlayFrame:["DiscoverKnife"]|PlayFrame:["RediscoverKnife]};

There can be as many Point Instructions as you want.

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