Ace Attorney Casing Tool Documentation

The documentation for AACS and the CodeEditor.

Project maintained by MaxDeBy Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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DisplayText (DT)


Displays a dialogue box and a text inside it, displayed letter by letter (by default).


Name Type Description Required Default Value
Character name String The text that indicates the speaker. Passing a null character (-) causes the name box to remain hidden. -
Speech String The actual dialogue. -
Do not talk Boolean If set to true, the character will not switch to the talking animation. false
Is Typewriter Boolean If set to true, a typewriter sound blip will be used and the text speed decreases. false
Keep Boolean If set to true, the text already existing in the dialogue box will not be erased. false
Silent Boolean If set to true, no blips will be played. Useful if voice acting is used. false
Position String The name of the position used in LoadCharacter. “Center”


Example #1: Trucy expresses the awkwardness of the situation.

1:  DisplayText:["Trucy"|"Well...this is awkward."|false|false|false|false];

Example #2: A nameless dialogue box to, perhaps, display an objective fact. The character on screen, if any, is not talking.

1:  DisplayText:[-|"#GreenSpelling is not my strong suite."|true];

Example #3: Apollo reacts to his bracelet, with a small pause after ‘What?’.

1:  DT:["Apollo"|"#Blue(What?#[130]#Blue My bracelet is reacting.)"|true];

The color code #Blue has to be repeated after the waiting. Each text code splits a text into a new segment and each segment is automatically set to a white font.


You cannot use the pipe (|) or double quotes (“) character in your speech.

There are multiple ways to specify a blip for a character. Here’s how AACT determines what blip should actually be played:

  1. If Silent is true, no blip will play at all.
  2. If Is Typewriter is true, the typewriter blip will be used.
  3. If Do not talk is set to true, the name of the character in the name box will be considered.
  4. If the namebox is empty, the character doesn’t exist, or Do not talk is set to false, the Position parameter determines the character that is actually speaking.
  5. If multiple characters are speaking, the blip will be set to the default female if all characters are female. Otherwise it will be set to male.
  6. If only a single character is selected (if on the screen or not), and it has a custom blip for the current emote, that custom blip will be used.
  7. If there is no custom blip for the current emote, the custom blip of the character itself will be used.
  8. If no custom blip exists, the character’s gender will determine whether the default male blip or the default female blip will be used.

There are 9 text codes you can use inside a speech:

In addition, there are 4 escape codes:

The codes are case-sensitive which means if you type them in lowercase they will not work.

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