Ace Attorney Casing Tool Documentation

The documentation for AACS and the CodeEditor.

Project maintained by MaxDeBy Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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LoadCharacter (LC)


Prepares a character spot/position on the screen and sets a character initially.


Name Type Description Required Default Value
Position String The name of the character position. “Center”
PosX Number The placement on the X axis of the current location. 0
PosY Number The placement on the Y axis of the current location. 0
Name String The name of the character to load. -
Emote String The emote of the character to load. -
PlayPre Boolean Whether or not the pre-animation should be played. *
WaitForPre Boolean Whether or not the engine should wait for the pre-animation to finish before continuing. *


Example #1: Preparing the ‘Center’ position at (0, 0) but not loading an initial character.

1:  LoadCharacter:[-];

Example #2: Preparing the ‘Right’ position at (320, 0) but not loading an initial character.

1:  LoadCharacter:["Right"|320];

Example #3: Preparing the ‘Center’ position at (0, 0) and loading the character ‘Trucy’ with the emote ‘Bounce’.

1:  LoadCharacter:[-|-|-|"Trucy"|"Bounce"];

Example #3: Preparing the ‘Center’ position at (0, 0) and loading the character ‘Phoenix’ with the emote ‘Deskslam’ but disable the pre animation*.

1:  LoadCharacter:[-|-|-|"Phoenix"|"Deskslam"|false|false];


Characters use X and Y positions as well. However, unlike locations, these are not tied to the camera or the logical parent specified in themes. Instead, character positions are tied to the location. If the location moves via PanCamera, so does the character. The coordinates (0, 0) refer to the top left corner.

Setting a character is advisable but not required. Changing the emote or character can be done with the SetCharacter Instruction.

*: Not specifying the PlayPre and/or WaitForPre parameters prompts AACT to use the default values specified in the emote editor of the Asset Maker.

This instruction triggers HideTextBox.

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